London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Westminster 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, The United Parishes of St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster]

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in Earl Street, at an estimated cost of £80. and by the
occupiers of the contiguous premises being required to
drain into the new sewer.
The Vestry approved of plans, submitted by Mr. H. A.
Hunt, for the construction of a large sewer on the Kensington
Gore Estate, upon an amendment as to the fall
proposed (1 in 200 feet, instead of 1 in 300), being adopted.
Numerous small drainage works (substitution of pipe
drainage for old brick barrel, efficient trapping, alterations
in fall, filling-up of cesspools whenever discovered,
" separate " drainage instead of " combined systems," &c.)
were also carried out at the instance of the sanitary
inspectors, or the medical officer of health.
An improvement in procedure, of some importance in principle,
was made during the year by the prohibition of any
application to a second Committee as a court of appeal, so
to speak, from the decision of another Committee. For
instance, the Works Committee had three applications
made to them at one meeting for sanction to the construction
of combined drainage in cases where the Sanitary Com.
mittee had ordered separate drains to be laid, a public
sewer being within the prescribed distance. The former
Committee refused to deal with the applications, and the
applicants were informed that the works would have to be
carried out in conformity with the orders of the Sanitary
At page 46 a proposed interference by the London
County Council with the jurisdiction of the Vestry over
the local drainage is alluded to.
The first report of the Vestry at pages 255-6,
related the representations which were made to
the Vestry tor the removal ot the urinal at the junction ot
the Knightsbridge and Brompton Roads—a request to which
effect was given at the end of March of 1889. Subsequently
the Vestry of Kensington communicated to the Works