London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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54 Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1930.
The Committee wish to place on record their gratitude to
both for the time given and the efficient way in which the work
was carried out.
Miss M. L. Baptie was appointed by the Council as
full-time Secretary to the Committee on the 8th December,
Meetings.— The General Committee meets at 79, East
Hill, every six weeks at 3.30 p.m., and the Sub-Committee meets
on alternate Friday afternoons at 2.30 for the purpose of assessing
The Care Committee endeavours to improve the social and
economic conditions of patients suffering from Tuberculosis. As
most of the charitable institutions in the neighbourhood are
represented on the Committee, much valuable advice and
assistance can be given.
Special consideration is given to the following points :—
(a). The provision of extra nourishment.
(b). The provision of extra bed accommodation.
(c). Provision of open air shelters. (Seven such shelters
—the property of the Council— have been in continuous
use during the year).
(d). Removal of patient to friends and relatives in the
(e). The care of children and of the home during the
absence of the mother or housewife.
(f). The provision of financial assistance to the family
or patient.
When a patient is accepted by the London County Council
for treatment in a residential institution under their
Scheme, the Care Committee investigates the financial circumstances
of the family in order to determine what sum can be
contributed by the family towards the cost of the treatment.
During the year the Committee has undertaken the assessment
and collection of contributions in the cases of 472 patients
(adults and children). The amounts of such assessments are