London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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30 Report of the Medical Officer of Health for 1930.
died. The death-rate was .02 per 1,000 of population and 2.1
per 1,000 births.
150 cases were notified and 12 deaths occurred during the
year, compared with 102 and two in 1929.
Whooping Cough.
Six deaths occurred during the year, while the number of
cases notified was 809. The death-rate was .01 per 1,000.
Eight of the cases were removed to hospital.
916 visits were made by the Sanitary Inspectors and Health
Visitors to houses where cases of Whooping Cough occurred,
and 52 premises were disinfected.
The number of deaths from Influenza was 22 compared
with 237 in 1929, 41 in 1928, 136 in 1927 and 56 in 1926.
The death-rate was .06 per 1,000.
Influenzal Pneumonia and Acute Primary Pneumonia.
29 cases of acute Influenzal Pneumonia and 468 cases of
acute Primary Pneumonia were notified. Nine of the former
and 57 of the latter died.
The total number of deaths credited to all forms of Pneumonia
during the year was 207, compared with 331 in 1929, 246
in 1928, 239 in 1927, 217 in 1926, 181 in 1925, 233 in 1924, 189
in 1923, 236 in 1922 and 241 in 1921.
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.
Three cases of this disease occurred. None of them
terminated fatally. A further 18 deaths were registered as
being caused by Meningitis. Two other cases of this disease
were notified, but proved not to be cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Polio-myelitis and Polio-encephalitis.
One case and no death occurred.