London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1918

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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Work carried out during the year in the several Centres.
No. 2a.— St. Paul's Ward.
No. of children attending Centre 230 Method of Feeding.
No. of children seen by Doctor 658 Breast 118
Average weekly attendance 42 Bottle 40
Total No. of attendances at Centre 1974 Breast and bottle. 21
No. of Sessions held 47 Ordinary diet 51
No. 2b.—St. Peter's Ward Working Boys' Club.
(To be opened early in 1919).
No. 3b.—All Saints' Ward (Northern Half).
No. of children attending Centre 66 Method of Feeding.
No. of children seen by Doctor 66 Breast 34
Average weekly attendance 20 Bottle 14
Total No. of attendances at Centre 926 Breast and bottle 12
No. of Sessions held 46 Ordinary diet 6
No. 4b. — St. George's Ward (Northern Half).
(To be opened early in 1919).
No. 6a.— St. Michael, St. Jude and Christchurch Wards (Tart of).
No. of children attending Centre 168 Method of Feeding.
No. of children seen by Doctor 168 Breast 62
Average weekly attendance 28 Bottle 20
Total No. of attendances at Centre 1279 Breast and bottl 22
No. of sessions held 45 Ordinary diet 64
Sewing classes 26
Total Attendance 132
No. 6b.—St. Saviour's Ward
(To be opened early in 1919).


The number of visits made by the Health Visitors to houses in connection with Births, and other Health Work during 1918.


Nature of visit.Mrs. Holland. No. of visits.Miss Bacon. No. of visits.Miss Johnson. No. of visits.Miss Sayer. No. of visits.Miss Vaughan Price. No of Visits.Miss Walters. No. of Visits.Miss Wilkinson. No. of visits.Miss Elliott. No. of visits.Total.
Original visits in relation to Births46154567450541912317
Original visits in relation to other Health work50563976377929026176133326
Visits to premises where occupiers were found to be out517084252181782724111894
Revisits in relation to Births5372799172425546765418831
Revisits in relation to other Health work212491281211042955192526