Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch, Parish of St. Leonard]
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Water closets in close dark places lighted and
ventilated in 7 premises
Water closets, in close dark places, abolished ...in 1 „
Water supplied direct from the main in lieu of
cisterns in 359 „
Water supplied direct from the main in lieu of butts in 167 „
Leaking water pipes, causing dampness, repaired in 10 „
Water laid on or restored in 25 „
Yards and areas limewhited in 180 ,,
Dust bins provided in 233 „
„ repaired in 58 „
Yards paved imperviously with stone or cement
concrete in 496 „
Yard paving repaired, and rendered impervious in 111 „
Areas paved imperviously with stone or cement
concrete in 25 „
Sculleries ditto ditto in 78 ,
Dry areas, constructed to obviate dampness in 6
Premises unfit for habitation, closed 20
Overcrowding abated in 2 premises
Public urinal constructed in passage of the "Jolly
Butchers'" Tavern, Old Street
Public urinal attached to the "Marquis of
Landsdowne" Tavern, Maria Street, reconstructed
Horses and donkeys (improperly stabled), removed from 6
Accumulations of dung and rubbish, removed from 18
Making a total of 5,311 separate nuisances, dangerous to
health abated.
To ensure the work done being as far as possible of a durable
character, many re-inspections had to be made, and 285 letters were
written, which took up much time, resulting, however, in the