London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Clerkenwell 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Clerkenwell, St. James and St. John]

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Wilmington and Northampton Squares, and St.
James Churchyard, and the Churchyard of St. James,
Pentonville, are vested in the Vestry as open
spaces, and the Vestry also contributes to the
maintenance of St. John's burial ground in
Benjamin Street as an open space.
Streets partly situate in other Parishes. —The
particulars below mentioned show the orders which
have been made from time to time under sec. 140
of the Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855,
and the agreements which are in force with other
Local Authorities with regard to streets partly in
this parish and partly in the adjoining parishes:—
An Agreement, dated November, 1861, between the Vestries of
Clerkenwell and St. Pancras, by which the entire width of
Bagnigge Wells Road, now King's Cross Road, from the
west side of Vernon Street to Baker Street is to be watered,
cleansed and kept in repair by Clerkenwell; and the entire
width from Vernon Street to Pentonville Road, and ol
Pentonville Road from the Junction with King's Cross Road
to the boundary between the Parishes of St. Pancras and
Islington is to be watered, oleansed and kept in repair by
St. Pancras.
An Agreement, dated August, 1864, by which Clerkenwell maintains
and repairs the whole of Goswell Road, in the Parish
of Islington, and that portion of the City Road lying between
the Obelisk and the Angel Hotel to the line formed
by the then granite paving, and also the roadway in Sermon
Lane ; Islington maintaining and repairing Liverpool Road
from Sermon Lane to High btreet, and High Street between
Upper Street and the granite paving line above referred to.
An Order of the Metropolitan Board of Works of 6th February,
1885, placing the carriageway of Goswell Road, to the north
of Seward Street, entirely under the management of Clerkenwell,
and to the south of Seward Street entirely under the
management of St. Luke.