London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Clerkenwell 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Clerkenwell, St. James and St. John]

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Lion Street, having been rebuilt and the line of
frontage in White Lion Street set back considerably,
the Vestry, upon the application of Captain Penton,
reformed and repaved the eastern end of this street.
Application was made by the British Sanitary
Works, Ltd., for permission to construct underground
conveniences at the expense of the Company,
the Vestry to supply light and water, the Company
to maintain same, and at the expiration of 30 years
to hand same over to the Vestry free of all costs or
charges. After considerable negotiations between
the Works Committee and the Company the Vestry
agreed to give the Company three sites, viz., at the
junction of Pentonville Road and King's Cross
Road ; Rosebery Avenue, opposite Fire Station,
and Clerkenwell Green, opposite Sessions House.
The three conveniences were commenced but
neither opened at the date this report concludes.
The Works Committee after a very considerable
amount of negotiation prevailed upon the London
County Council to sell to the Vestry this piece of