Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]
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There were 23 inquests, the verdicts being as
follows:—Haemorrhage 1, congestion of brain 2,
suffocation 2, heart disease 4, drowning 2, fractured
ribs 1, injury to head 2, want of attention 1, fracture
of neck 1, congestion of lungs 2, bronchitis 1, fall 2,
fracture of skull 1, hanging 1.
Inquests are also held in Kingston for certain of
the other districts.
878 are recorded, giving a birth rate of 30.1
per 1,000. 92 was the highest number recorded in
any one month, and this was in November.
The highest number in 1893 was 90 in the
month of October.
In Surbiton the rate is only 20.1, New Maiden
29.9, Ham 26.5, and the Rural Sanitary Authority's
district within the proposed extension 306, mostly
in Southborough.
Small Pox.
Two cases of very mild character were notified.
The first contracted the disease in London, and had
an interview with a neighbour whilst the spots were
out, but before the nature of the disease was known.
On the first case being notified as Small Pox the
neighbour was re-vaccinated, and when the disease
developed in her it was so slight that it is possible it
might have been overlooked but for the presence of
the first case.
It is mild cases of this kind that generally give
rise to epidemics of Small Pox at the present day.
The greater number of persons are protected by
vaccination, but some persons being naturally more
liable to contract Small Pox than others, the protective
influence of the vaccination is less lasting in
them, so that should they come in contact with mild
cases of the disease they may contract Variola in this
very mild form, and pass it on to others, unwittingly,