London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barnes 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barnes]

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Hospital Administration.
No. of plans approved 84
No. of houses erected during the year 184
No. building 152
Street vvidenings have been carried out during the year in:—
1. The Upper Richmond Road near the Schools.
2. Near Christ Church Road on the Temple Grove Estate.
3. In Upper Sheen Lane along the frontage of Sheen
House Estate.
4. In the Malthouse Area.
5. In the High Street, Barnes.
In the Malthouse Area 16 of the old cottages have been
pulled down, a new street called "Limes Avenue'' has been laid
out, and 14 cottages have been built and occupied in the street.
The work of pulling down the remaining cottages in this area,
and erecting new cottages in their place is still being carried out.
The Hospital is situated upon four acres of land, adjoining
South Worple Way, Mortlake. The buildings consist of an
administrative block, three ward blocks, discharge block, mortuary >
laundry and disinfecting station, porter's lodge and several shelters
for open air treatment. There is also a small building of galvanized
iron for the sleeping accommodation of nurses on night duty.
The Hospital contains 50 beds for cases of Scarlet Fever,
Diphtheria, Enteric Fever and Pulmonary Tuberculosis.