London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1893

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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There are 22 retail bakehouses in the district, and these have
been inspected twice during the year, when one was found to
have a defective roof which admitted the rain-water, and 3
required cleansing and whitewashing. The usual notices were
served in each case, and were complied with. The other bakehouses
were found to be in a satisfactory condition.
A great many nuisances have been abated as will be seen in
the summary accompanying this report. Defective drains and
water-closets have been the chief cause of complaint.
Entirety new drains have been laid to 155 houses and at
several other houses the drains have been repaired; a good deal
of drain-work is at the present time in progress but will be
accounted for in the report for 1894.
I think it well to mention that the following groups of houses
have been re-drained:—
11 houses North Road.
6 „ Handford Row.
10 „ Church Road.
6 „ South Road.
4 „ Gilbert Road.
11 „ Deburgh Road.
13 „ Hartfield Crescent.
4 „ Merton Road.
8 „ Dundonald Road.
5 „ Russell Road.
8 „ Dry den Road.
6 „ Pelham Road.
5 „ High Street, Merton
And many others.