London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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Houses Let in Lodgings.— The number of houses registered
under the Bye-laws for Houses Let in Lodgings is 71.
It is only houses which on inspection are found to be kept
in a neglected and insanitary condition and occupied by
members of more than one family that are recommended to
the Sanitary Committee for placing on the register. In some
instances the threat to do so has had a salutary effect on the
landlords, and a satisfactory improvement in the property has
During the year 373 visits of inspection have been made
to these houses.
Some of this class of property requires almost constant
attention by the officials of the Department, owing in some
measure to the neglect of the owners or agent, but chiefly to
the untidy habits of the tenants.
The houses 62 to 76, High Street, Merton, are an example
of this unsatisfactory class. To these eight houses no less
than 125 visits were paid, and through the instrumentality of
this Department, 55 rooms and four passages and staircases at
this property have been stripped and cleansed during the year.
Time after time the landlady has cleared out a number of
dirty and verminous tenants only a few weeks later to be
replaced by others equally bad. It is only by constant visits
and re-visits that any improvement of this class can be made,
whose present position is not due to poverty but to their own
habits and neglect of the most obvious duties.
Some of these have removed to other districts, saying they
were worried by the Inspectors too much when their places
are not kept clean, but where possible we have found out the
districts to which these people remove and acquainted the
Sanitary Authority, with a view to lessening the nuisance
caused by such persons to those with whom they come in
Cowsheds, Dairies and Milkshops.– Under the Dairies,
Cowsheds and Milkshops Order of 1885, it is necessary for all
persons carrying on the trade of a Cowkeeper, Dairyman or
Purveyor of Milk to be registered by the Local Authority.
During the year twelve applications for registration as
Dairymen and Purveyors were received. There have been six
changes of occupation, one has given up the business during
the year, whilst one has surrendered the certificate and withdrew
the application for registration on it being pointed out