London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wimbledon 1907

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wimbledon]

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the use of Sulphur Candle or Formalin Lamp, and the
spraying of walls, floors and ceilings.
In three hundred and twenty-seven rooms, the paper
was stripped from the walls, the ceilings whitewashed, and
the floors and woodwork cleansed.
Houses Let in Lodgings.- The number of houses registered
under the Bye-laws is one hundred and forty-two.
Only houses occupied by more than one family which
on inspection are found to be in a very unsatisfactory and
neglected condition are reported to the Committee for
Bye-law 27 requires the Landlord of every such house
to cause every part of the premises to be cleansed in the
month of April. Each of the one hundred and forty-two
houses referred to were inspected during the month named
and where the necessary work had not been done, notices
were served on the Landlords calling attention to their
defaults which were remedied in every case.
Paving of Yards.-Intimately connected with the sanitary
conditions of dwelling-houses is the necessity for
imperviously paving a portion of the yards and open spaces
in close proximity to buildings, and where this condition
obtains, a greater inducement is given to the occupiers of
houses to observe cleanly habits both in the house and
The number of houses dealt with in this manner during
the year was 133.
At present this requirement can only be enforced in
cases where the conditions are such as can be described as a
nuisance or injurious to health. While there are many
houses where the conditions are far from satisfactory, it
would be difficult to prove that they were a nuisance or
even injurious to health. The Building Committee have
under consideration a proposed bye-law for new buildings
which will confer powers to require the provision of a
certain amount of paving around dwellings, and the Sanitary
Committee are also considering a bye-law which provides
for a certain amount of paving to be done where it is
necessary for the prevention or remedy of insanitary conditions,
whilst the Public Health Acts Amendment Act
passed last Session gives additional powers for dealing with
this question.
Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops Orders.—Under the
Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops Order of 1885, it is
necessary for all persons carrying on the trade of a Cowkeeper,
Dairyman or Purveyor of Milk to be registered by
the Local Authority. During the year 14 applications for
registration as Dairymen and Purveyors and one as a Cowkeeper
were received. There have been six changes of