Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for West Ham]
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To the Council of the County Borough of West Ham.
Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen,
"Every Medical Officer of Health appointed under the Public
Health Act is required by order of the Local Government Board to
make an annual report with regard to the sanitary district which is
under his superintendence ...... The report is to be for the year
ending 31st December. It should be chiefly concerned with the
conditions affecting health in the district, and with the means for
improving those conditions. It should contain an account of the
sanitary circumstances of the district, and of any improvement or
deterioration which may have occurred during the year in those
In accordance with the above requirement, I beg to submit my
annual report for the year 1909, and in doing so, desire to point out
that such report must necessarily consist very largely of a summary
of my periodical reports and other matters which have been under
discussion by the Council during the year, and which, therefore, are
more or less within the immediate recollection of the members. The
collated returns, however, and the statement of local circumstances
which may appear superfluous to members fully conversant with them,
serve not only as valuable statistical records for future reference, but
are needed by the Local Government Board and other authorities,
to whom the Medical Officer of Health is required to forward copies.
I am, Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.
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