London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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TABLE III.—Cases of Infectious Disease notified during the Year 1910, in the Urban District of Surbiton.

Notifiable Disease.Cases Notified in Whole District.Total Cases Notified in Each Locality* No. of Cases Removed to Hospital from Each Locality.
At all Ages.At Ages Years.
Under 1.1 to 5.5 to 15.15 to 25.25 to 65.65 and upwardsSurbitonTolw'rthHook & South boroSurbitonTolw'rthBook & Southboro.Total cases Removed to Hospital.
Small Pox
Diphtheria (incl. Memb. Croup)8141262325
Scarlet Fever29320422171196126
Typhus Fever
Enteric Fever3122111
Relapsing Fever
Continued Fever
Puerperal Fever

* Tolworth Isolation Hospital, Surbiton District. Total available Beds 38. Number of Diseases that can be
concurrently treated 3.