London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]

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Vital Statistics.
Population.—At the Census in 1901 the
population of the whole district was 15,017, and
since that date an estimate has yearly to be made
as a basis on which to calculate the gross birth and
death rates, and this becomes increasingly difficult
as the years go by, until towards the end of the
decennial period there is so much doubt about it
that from a desire to be on the safe side it is more
than likely that the estimate formed is below that
of the real population. Taking the year now
under discussion (1910), which is the last of the
cycle, if I have formed too large an estimate, then
my death-rate will be found to be too low, but ir
my estimate of the population is lower than what
will be shown at the Census, to be taken next
month (April), then the death-rate will prove to
be too high, and low as it is for this year it will be
made still lower. As soon as we get the early
official statement I shall, if it be necessary, re-cast
the rate and report it to the Council at the earliest
The estimate of population for 1908 was
18,747, and for 1910 it is placed at 18,850, so
that the addition made is only just over 100
in the two years. The average number of
persons per house at the Census was given
at 5.225, and that is largely depended upon
as a factor in determining the population, but