London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Surbiton 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]


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17 tables in this report

  • Page 4
    The Vital Statistics for the year 1908, consisting' of the Annual Birth Rates and Death Rates, have been published by the Registrar-General, and are here shown in tabular form for comparison.
    Annual rate per 1,000 living.Deaths under 1 Year to 1,000 Births.
    Births.Deaths.Principal epidemic diseases.
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    Surbiton.Tolworth.Hook and South-borough.Totals.Total.
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    The deaths under one year of age were 27, and these added to the 60 of 70 years and over leave 102 to represent the mortality between the very young and the very old, or a death rate of 5.4 per 1,000 of the population.
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    Scarlct Fever.Diphtheria and Memb-Croup.Enteric Fever.Puerperal Fever.Erysipelas.Contin. Fever.Small- Pox.Totals.
  • Page 11
    The notifications in the several months of the year, together with the admissions to Hospital, were as follows:—
    Scarlet Fever.Diphtheria.Enteric Fever.Erysipelas.Total.
  • Page 23
    Returns of the Vaccination Officer for Surbiton, Hook and Tolworth Districts, 1908.
  • Page 24
    Mortuary.— Statement of bodies received into Mortuary during 1907 and 1908 : —
    Year.For Inquests.To await burial.Total.
  • Page 30
    The following table shows the progress of building during the last eight years :—
    Year.HOUSES BUILT.Total.
    Surbiton.Tohvorth.Hook and Southboro".
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    Table 1. Vital Statistics of Whole District during 1908 and previous Years.
    Year.Population estimated to Middle of each Year.Births.Total Deaths Registered in the District.Total Deaths in Public Institutions in the District.Deaths of Nonresidents registered in Public Institutions in the District.Deaths of Residents registered in Public Institutions beyond the District.Nett Deaths at all Ages belonging to the District.
    Number.Rate.*Under 1 Year of Age.At all Ages.
    Number.Rate per 1000 Births registeredNumber.Rate.*Number.Rate.*
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    Table II. Vital Statistics of Separate Localities in 1908 and previous Years.
    Year.Names op Localities.
    Population estimated to middle of each Year.Births Registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each Year.Births Registered.Deaths at allAges.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each Year.Births Registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.Population estimated to middle of each Year.Births Registered.Deaths at all Ages.Deaths under 1 year.
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    Table III. Cases of Infectious Disease notified during the year 1908 in the Surbiton Urban Sanitary District.
    Notifiable Disease.Cases Notified in Whole District.Total Cases Notified in each Locality.No. of Cases Removed to Hospital from each Locality.
    At all Ages.At Ages—Years.
    Under 1.1 to 55 to 1515 to 2525 to 6565 and upwardsSurbitonTol-w'rthHook & S'tli-boro'.SurbitonTol-w'rthHook V S'th-boro'.
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    TABLE IV. Causes of, and Ages at, Death during Year 1908.
    Causes ok Death.Deaths in whole Districts at Subjoined Ages.Deaths in Localities (at all Ages).Deaths in Public Institutions.
    All ages.Under 1 year.1 and under 5.5 & under 15.15 & under 25.25 & under 65.65 & upwardsSurbiton.Tolworth.Hook&S'thbro'
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    TABLE V. Surbiton Urban District. INFANTILE MORTALITY DURING THE YEAR 1908. Deaths from stated Causes in AVeeks and Months under One. Year of Age.
    Cause of Death.Under 1 Week.1-2 Weeks.2-3 Weeks.3-4 Weeks.Total under 1 Month.1-2 Months.2-3 Months.3-4 Months.4-5 Months.5-6 Months.6-7 Months.7-8 Months.8-9 Months.9-10 Months.10-11 Months.11-12 Months.Total deaths under One Year.
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    1. INSPECTION. Including Inspections made by Sanitary Inspectors or Inspectors of Nuisances.
    Premises.Number of
    Inspections.Written Notices.Prosecutions.
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    Particulars.Number of DefectsNumber of Prosecutions.
    Found.Remedied.Referred to H.M. Inspect'i
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    3. HOME WORK.
    Nature of Work.Lists received from Employers.Notices served on Occupiers as to keeping or sending lists.Inspections of Outworkers* Premises.
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    Workshops on the Register (s. 131 at the end of the Year.Number.