Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]
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Visits have been paid from time to time as occasion required, and the following nuisances have been detected and abated :—
Defective drains repaired | 1 |
Defective floors repaired Defective pans in w.c. removed and new | 1 |
ones fixed | 2 |
Defective w.c. flushing cisterns repaired | 2 |
Workshops cleansed | 1 |
Workshops ventilated | 1 |
Total | 8 |
In no case has complaint of a nuisance been
received from the Factory Inspector.
The bake-houses in the District have been
inspected twice during the year and found to be
clean and well kept. In no case has it been
necessary to serve a notice for any bakehouse to be
cleansed and whitewashed.
There are six registered slaughter-houses in the
District; these have been regularly visited and found
to be kept in a clean and satisfactory condition.
The quarterly limewashing, as required by the
Bye-laws, has on all occasions been carried out by
the occupiers on receipt of verbal notice.
The floor of one slaughter-house was found to be
defective, but was at once remedied on the occupier's
attention being called to its condition.