Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Surbiton]
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held during the year. There were 12 in all, but
only 10 rightly belong to this district.
The verdicts returned were :—
Deaths from natural causes | 5 |
„ accidental injuries | 3 |
,, drowning | 2 |
„ suicides | 2 |
12 |
New Houses.—The Revenue Act of 1908.
In 1890 the Customs and Inland Revenue Act
granted exemption from Inhabited House Duty to all
houses used solely for providing separate dwellings at
rents not exceeding 7s. 6d. per week for each dwelling,
if the Medical Officer of Health certified that the
premises afforded suitable accommodation for each
of the persons inhabiting them, and that due provision
was made for their sanitary requirements.
This exemption was in order to encourage the erection
of artisans' dwellings on good lines, and it has
proved a useful piece of legislation.
The Revenue Act of 1903 extends the provisions
of the former Act, and now where a dwelling
house is used for the sole purpose of providing
separate dwellings it is enacted that (a) Any dwelling
which is of an annual value of below £20 shall be
exempt from Inhabited House Duty ; (b) The rate of
Inhabited House Duty in dwellings of an annual
value of .£20 but not exceeding £40 is reduced to 3d.;
and (c) The rate in respect of dwellings beyond