London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Malden and Coombe 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Malden and Coombe]

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Urban District Council of the maldens and Coombe.
Area—3,220 Acres.
Situation—Ten miles south from Charing Cross, in the County
of Surrey, the greater part of the district lying
between the Hogg's Mill Stream and the Beverley
Population Census, 1901—6,232.
Estimated Population, 1909—12,005.
Estimated Inhabited Houses, 1909—2491.
Rateable Value— £107,216 0s. 0d. Assessable, £86,965 13s. 6d.
General District Rate—1s. 8d.
Poor Rate, including Education Rate—1s. 8d. For current
half year.