Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]
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Two hundred and fifty-four complaints were made during the year as follows:-
Drains and Sanitary arrangements | 40 |
Water Supply | 5 |
Accumulation of manure and non-removal of house refuse | 18 |
Absence of ashbins | 6 |
Flooding of cellars | 1 |
Dampness (bursting pipes, etc.) | 4 |
Insanitary condition of premises | 125 |
Defective roofs | 5 |
Nuisance from keeping of animals | IS |
Overcrowding | 10 |
Smoke nuisance from chimneys | 2 |
Nuisance from flies | 3 |
Miscellaneous | 19 |
Total | 254 |
The complaints were investigated promptly, and where
the Corporation possessed powers to interfere immediate
steps were taken to remove the cause of the complaint.
No house-to-house inspections were made during the
year. The Corporation has recently decided to appoint an
Assistant Sanitary Inspector, and it is confidently anticipated
that during the year 1922 inspections under the Housing
(Inspection of District) Regulations, 1910, will be recommenced.
The following statistics are set out in accordance with
the requirements of the Ministry of Health :—
Number of new houses erected during the year :—
(a) Total 16
(b) As part of municipal housing scheme 12
1. Unfit dwelling-houses.
Inspection: (1) Total number of dwelling-houses
inspected for housing defects (under Public
Health or Housing Acts) 448
(2) Number of dwelling-houses which were inspected
and recorded under the Housing (Inspection
of District) Regulations, 1910 nil.