London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kingston upon Thames 1906

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]

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23rd March, 1891.
Art. 18. The following shall be the duties of the Medical
Officer of Health in respect of the District for which he is
(1.) He shall inform himself as far as practicable respecting
all influences affecting or threatening to affect
injuriously the public health within the District.
(2.) He shall inquire into and ascertain by such means
as are at his disposal the causes, origin, and distribution
of diseases within the District, and
ascertain to what extent the same have depended
on conditions capable of removal or mitigation.
(14.) He shall also make an annual report to the Sanitary
Authority, up to the end of December in each year,
comprising a summary of the action taken, or
which he has advised the Sanitary Authority to
take, during the year for preventing the spread of
disease, and an account of the sanitary state of his
District generally at the end of the year. The
report shall also contain an account of the inquiries
which he has made as to conditions injurious to
health existing in the District, and of the proceedings
in which he has taken part or advised
under any Statute, so far as such proceedings
relate to those conditions; and also an account of
the supervision exercised by him, or on his advice,
for sanitary purposes over places and houses that
the Sanitary Authority have power to regulate,
with the nature and results of any proceedings
which may have been so required and taken in
respect of the same during the year. The report
shall also record the action taken by him, or on