Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Kingston-upon-Thames]
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occupiers can find out whether or no a particular
house has been built or brought into accord with the
Borough Bye-laws.
One of the great difficulties to be contended
with in investigating the origin of outbreaks of this
disease is the difficulty of an early diagnosis. Dr.
Widal, of Paris, has introduced the serum diagnosis
of Enteric Fever, but at present the method is not
sufficiently certain for me to recommend its adoption,
as in the case of Diphtheria, though I may probably
recommend you to do so when greater perfection has
been reached.
I have arranged the deaths from this disease
under the headings of male and female. Most of
these deaths are in the Workhouse amongst very
old people.
There were 18 deaths in children under five
years during the month of August. These deaths
occurred, as is always the case, amongst the poorest
classes, and are due to causes to which I have
frequently drawn your attention.
The rate per 1000 is .8 as against .6 for the
previous four years.
Puerperal Fever.
There have been two fatal cases—both coming
from insanitary surroundings.
One case brought into the Workhouse Infirmary
from another district during the course of the disease
has not been counted amongst the notifications.