London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1919

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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Defective Vision and Squint 18
External Eye Disease 311
Defective Hearing 7
Ear Disease 28
Nose and Throat:—
Enlarged Tonsils 4
Adenoids 10
Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids 9
Other Conditions 125
Defective Speech 4
Heart and Circulation:—
Heart Disease—Organic 3
Anæmia 50
Pulmonary Tuberculosis:—
Definite 3
Suspected 2
Chronic Bronchitis 5
Other Diseases 5
Nervous System:—
Epilepsy 3
Chorea 6
Other Diseases 4
Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis:—
Glands 4
Bones 2
Other Forms 5
Deformities 6
Other Defects or Diseases 109
Total 962
Children Act, 1908, Section 122.
It was found necessary during the year to deal with 3 cases
under the above Act. Statutory notice was served in each
case on the parents or guardians of the child, to remedy a
"verminous or foul or filthy condition" within 24 hours. In
one of the three cases the child was brought to the Clinic and
thoroughly cleansed.