London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ilford 1911

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ilford]

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A. D.—Respectable people; father out of work 9 months,
healthy now, told that he was too old.
W.J.—Poor neglected children; father deaf and dumb;
mother neglects family; father frequently ill
and in the infirmary.
J.M.—Father a fish hawker, been very poor lately; large
family, none old enough to go to work.
W.O.—Poor home; father and mother living apart;
mother hard-working and does her best for the
children, but has a struggle to get food at
A.W.—Father consumptive and unable to work; large
A.H.—Father out of work and only done odd days for
past 2 years; mother weakly, but at times does
a day's cleaning; very poor indeed.
A.P.—Very poor and weakly family; father dead—
consumption; two brothers also consumptive.
I.M.—Father a fish hawker, been very poor lately; large
family, none large enough to go to work.
A. & E.M.—Father out of work; mother goes washing
and cleaning; 2 rooms, very poor home.
A.H.—Father dead; mother clean and hard-working,
but has lost several of her regular places
through the family moving to Ilford.
A. & L.Y.—Father in regular work, also one son;
mother has a private laundry; plenty of food.
A. & L.W.—Poor deserving family; father often out
of work; large family of weakly children;
mother very hard-working.
A. P.—Father through accident about 18 months ago
injured his head and is unfit for work, 16s.
weekly compensation; 5 children, all weakly.