London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Carshalton 1897

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Carshalton]

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8. The following is the Sanitary Inspector's return of the Nuisances dealt with, and other work
done during the year:—
Number of Complaints received in writing 15
Number of premises inspected under Sec. 92 of the Public Health Act, 1875 696
Number of Nuisances discovered 161
Ditto reported to the Sauitary Authority 161
Ditto remedied after report 161
Number of Notices served for the Abatement of Nuisances, under Section 91 98
Ditto Ditto under Sec. 32 of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890 6
Particulars of Work done by owners or occupiers, for the abatement of Nuisances, in compliance
with notices:
Number of privies, cesspools, ditches, pools, watercourses, urinals, ashpits, and drains, cleansed,
and number of deposits removed 263
Number of old privies re-constructed as water-closets
Number of Premises at which the drains were re-constructed, ventilated, trapped, or disconnected
from the house pipes or rain-water pipes 70
Number of Premises at which new drains or cesspools were provided under Sec. 23 or Sec. 94 30
Number of Premises from which animals, improperly kept, were removed 2
Number of Houses which were provided with efficient ventilation 5
Number of Houses at which injurious overcrowding was abated 4
Number of damp, unwholesome Houses, which were repaired 54
Number of filthy Houses which were cleansed and whitewashed 46
Legal proceedings taken, under Sec. 96, tor Abatement of Nuisances (number of times) 22
Ditto under Sec. 32 of Housing of Working Classes Act, 1890 (No. of times) 4
Houses condemned by the Justices as unfit for human habitation, under Sec. 97 1
Ditto Ditto under Housing of the Working Classes Act 4
Number of Samples of Water sent to the Medical Officer of Health for Analysis 4
Number of Wells permanently or temporarily closed, after notice, under Sec. 70 of the Public
Health Act, 1875, as unfit for drinking or domestic purposes —
Number of Houses to which water was supplied by owners of premises after notice, under Sec.
62 of that Act —
Among other nuisances which received special attention was that arising from the discharge of sewage
from a large number of houses in the Sutton Urban District into a ditch in this district. The Sutton
Local Board had long since given notice to the owners to connect the drains of these houses with the
new sewers, but the owners had argued that the drains were already connected with sewers vesting in
the Local Authority, and that the Board must divert them at their own expense, and so nothing had been
done. The Carshalton District Council now served notices on the owners and on the Sutton District
Council to stop the nuisance, with the result that the Sutton District Council have decided to do the
work, and the owners have agreed to contribute a certain sum towards the cost of it.