London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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140 samples were examined, of which 3 or 2T per cent. were returned as
H. 7 Consisted of Margarine. Vendor cautioned. This sample was
taken under the Butter and Margarine Acts.
K 95 (Informal). Contained 60 per cent. margarine. A subsequent
formal sample was genuine.
C 112 (Informal). Contained 1.0 per cent. excess moisture. A
subsequent formal sample was genuine.
The only preservative detected in butter was boric acid and the amount
was estimated in each case. The results are shown in Table J. and are
compared with the corresponding figures for 1922 and 1923.

Table H.

Number.Deficient in Fat. per cent.Deficient in Solids-not-fat. per cent. = *Added water per cent.Action; Result of Proceedings.
K 25.4-Vendor cautioned.
K 1218.332.5Fined £10 with £3 3s. costs.
L 184.3Vendor cautioned.
S 147.0-Vendor paid £1 Is. costs.
S 16-6.8Vendor cautioned.
E 1321.0-Warranty defence. Summons withdrawn.
M 3849Vendor cautioned.
G 3457-Fined £1 with £2 2s. costs.
G 418.35.5Summons dismissed. Warranty proved.
D 615.312.1Vendor paid <£3 3s. costs.
F 118.3-Vendor cautioned.
H 4121.7-Fined £2 with £2 2s. costs.
J 71-9.5Vendor paid £2 2s. costs.
J 87-8.1Fined £3 with £1 1s. costs.
E 549.9Fined £,'3 with £2 2s. costs.
M 786.0-Vendor strongly cautioned.
E 364.0-Vendor cautioned.
G 6949Vendor strongly cautioned.
T 65-3.2Vendor cautioned.
A 854.1Vendor cautioned,
F 4912.4Fined £3 with £2 2s. costs.
E 6415.06.7Vendor paid £3 3s. costs.
I 9711.8Fined £10 with £2 2s. costs.
J 9910.1Fined £10 with £2 2s. costs.
C 1174.4Vendor cautioned.
M 1009.3Fined £3 with £1 1s. costs.
M 105-3.5Vendor cautioned.

145 samples were examined of which 3 or 2.1 per cent. were found to be
A 87 (Informal). Contained 4.6 per cent. excess moisture.
A 96 (Same vendor as A 87). Contained 1.0 per cent. excess moisture.
Vendor cautioned.
F 44 Unlabelled bulk. Contained 65 per cent. butter. (See Table K.)
The only preservative found was boric acid. The maximum amount
permitted by law is 0.5 per cent.
11, or 7'6 per cent. of the samples were free from boric acid.
64, or 44.1 per cent. of the samples contained O1) per cent. boric acid.
50 ,, 34.5 „ „ „ 0.2 „
,, 12.4 ,, „ „ 0 3
2 ,, 14 ,, ,, ,, 0.4 „ ,,
None contained 0.5 per cent boric acid.