London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Saviour's (Southwark) 1886

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Saviour's]

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Metropolitan Board of Works having appointed two inspectors
for the purpose of regularly inspecting, pursuant to the 18th
section of the Thames River (Prevention of Floods) Act, 1879,
the flood works under their jurisdiction, this Board, in May
last, gave directions for the inner barriers to be removed.
The following members of the Board have been appointed
during the year to act as delegates, viz.:—On the subject of
School Board Election Expenses, Messrs. Field, Haggis, and
Sinclair, and on the question of the proposed increase in the
salary of the Clerk of the School Board for London from
£1,200 to £1,400 per annum, Messrs. Goodwin, Hawkins, and
Rideal. On the subject of this increase numerous communications
were received from Vestries and District Boards of
the Metropolis protesting against the same, and this Board
passed the following resolution, a copy of which was forwarded
to the School Board for London and to each of the Vestries
and District Boards of the Metropolis, viz.:—" That the St.
Saviours Board of Works desire to express their strong disapprobation
of the proposed increase in the salary of the Clerk to
the London School Board, and that the Representatives of
Southwark be requested to oppose such increase, especially at a
time when fiscal burdens vress so heavily on the ratepayers."
A great number of loads of rubbish having been shot upon
the public ways in various parts of the district during the past
year, and the detection of the offenders being extremely
difficult owing to their watchfulness and the fact of the
rubbish being generally deposited after dark, the Board in
January last, caused bills to be posted and circulated offering
a reward of £1 to be paid on conviction of the offenders, with
the result that a man named George Butler was apprehended
in March last and brought before Mr. Slade, one of the
magistrates at the Southwark Police Court, who, on hearing
the evidence of the Board's Inspector of Nuisances fined him
40s. and costs, with the alternative of one month's imprisonment.
Gas, Price of.
On the 25th March last the South Metropolitan Gas Company
reduced the price of gas supplied by them per meter to