London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Martin-in-the-Fields 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Martin-in-the-Fields]

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understanding that a strip of the land should be thrown into
Charing- Cross Road, and a further strip at the north-east angle of
the site of the National Gallery be surrendered by the Department,
and requesting the Vestry to apply to the Justices for an Order to
close Hemming's Row; whereupon instructions were given by the
Vestry for the necessary steps to be taken to obtain an Order
for that purpose.
(See Parliamentary Bills.)
On the 18th April, 1889, it was reported that the London County
Council had agreed to advance £25,000 for the building, subject to
Counsel's opinion being taken thereon. On the 8th August the
Counsel's sanction to a loan for £22,200 (being the sum of £25,000,
less £2,800, received from Mr. W. S. Gilbert for land transferred to
him was submitted, when it was decided to obtain temporary
advances from the Treasurer, as required from time to time, the
amount being ultimately repaid to him by means of a mortgage.
On the same date, Mr. W. Woodward and Mr. II. E. Pollard were
appointed Quantity Surveyors. On the 3rd October, 1889, tenders,
18 in number, for the erection of the building were considered, when
it was determined to accept the lowest, that of Messrs. J. Mowlem
& Co., for the sum of £23,206. On the 17th October, 1889, the
Vicar was requested to make enquiries as to whether H.R.H. the
prince of Wales would consent to perform the ceremony of laying
the foundation stones of the new buildings, or failing H.R.H. then
some other member of the Royal Family; and it was determined to
inform the Commissioners for Public Libraries, &c., that the Vestry
would be pleased to co-operate with them in a joint ceremonial.
On the 23rd January,1890, a letter was submitted from Sir D. M.
Probyn stating that it would afford H.R.H. much gratification to
lay the foundation stones on some day before Easter. The Memorial
Stones of the new buldings were laid by the Prince of Wales on the 18th H.R.H. being
accompanied by Their Royal Highnesses