London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Martin-in-the-Fields 1857

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Martin-in-the-Fields]

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carriage-way paying.
Adelphi.—Carting old Stone to and from depot 7 8 5
Bow Street.—Old Carriage-way relaid and grouted, a new
3X7 Mount Sorrel Crossing laid and grouted on Concrete
bottom, at North-end, next Long Acre 73 18 9
Carlton Gardens.—Two new 4X4 Mount Sorrel Crossings
laid and grouted on Concrete bottom, and old Channels
relaid and grouted 42 3 4
Durham Street.—Carriage way repaired 2 16 10
Hanover Street.—Carriage way repaired 2 4 6
Hungerford Street.—Old carriage way relaid and grouted 9 14 3
- Ivy Bridge Lane.—Carriage way relaid and grouted, and
incline lessened 4 4 8
King William Street.—Carriage way repaired 2 15 6
Long Acre.—Carriage way relaid and grouted 2 4 9
Mercer Street.— Old carriage way taken up, dressed, and
relaid 42 13 7
Pall Mall East.—Channels relaid and grouted 2 13 2
Panton Street.—Old carriage way relaid and grouted, and
three new 3x7 Mount Sorrel crossings laid and grouted
on concrete bottom 115 6 6
Scotland Yard.— Carriage way re paired 3 1 6
Trafalgar Square, West Side.—Partly laying down Mount
Sorrel paving stones, taking up again, and afterwards
making it macadamized road 149 9 9
White Hart Street.—The carriage way relaid and grouted
in conjuntion with the " Strand District Board of
Works'" 3 7 11
Sundry repairs to 47 other places 22 19 8
£487 3 1
Adelphi.—Carting old stone to and from depot 5 18 6
Bedford Street.—Footway repaired and part of curb reset 4 0 8
Carlton Gardens.—Footway taken up and relaid, the deficiency
made good with new, and the curb reset 17 9 3
Castle Street, Leicester Square.—Footway and curb repaired 2 8 11
Charing Cross.— ditto ditto 2 6 3
Durham Street.— Footway taken up and relaid, curb reset,
and edge channel refixed 5 4 4
Ivy Bridge Lane.—Footway relaid and steps reset 2 10 8
King William Street.—Footway and curb repaired 4 0 9
Little Catherine Street.—Footway squared and relaid 3 9 0
Scotland Yard.—Footway taken up, squared, and relaid,
curb reset and part dressed 10 13 7