London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St James's 1890

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St James's, Westminster]

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Parish of St. James, Westminster.
FOR THE YEAR 1890-91.
Vestry Hall, Piccadilly, W.,
April 1891.
In accordance with the provisions of the Metropolis Local
Management Act, 1855, the Vestry present the following
Report of their proceedings and an abstract of their accounts
for the twelve months ended the 25th March last; also a
statement of Contracts entered into or in force during that
time, and the liabilities of the Vestry at the end thereof,
together with the Report of their Surveyor for the same
period, and of their Medical Officer of Health for the year.
With a view to affording the ratepayers as complete a
knowledge as possible of the administration of parochial
affairs generally, the Vestry again append to their Report,
Statements of Accounts relating to the Guardians of the
Westminster Union, the Commissioners for Public Baths
and Wash-houses, and the Trustees of Charitable Endowments
in which the parish is interested.