London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St James's 1878

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St James's, Westminster]

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Of Fever, Small Pox, and Diptheria, 80 cases came
under notice during the year; many cases not being
known in consequence of there being no law requiring
notice of such cases to be given to the Sanitary authority.
Of these 80 cases, 19 were of Small Pox, 56 of Fever,
and 5 of Diptheria. 32 cases—15 of Fever and 17 of
Small Pox—were removed to extra-Parochial Hospitals.
During the year 1878 sixty-four bodies were removed
into the Mortuary. Of these bodies five were cases of
infectious disease in which disinfection was required, and
where the removal of the corpse was probably the means
of preventing the spread of infectious disease. In 32 cases
bodies were removed from the presence of families mostly
living in a single room, and where, but for the public
Mortuary, the living would have lived and slept in presence
of a decomposing corpse, and, possibly, a post
mortem examination would have been made before the
interment could take place. In 10 cases the bodies have
been those of casual strangers—homeless, or occurring in
Hotels or lodging-houses. 26 Inquests have been held
upon bodies lying in the Mortuary, and 24 post mortem
examinations for judicial purposes have been made in the
Examination Room which adjoins the Mortuary.