London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Rotherhithe 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Rotherhithe]

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Overseers, Appointment of
On 21st March, 1899, the Vestry appointed the undermentioned gentlemen to act as Overseers
during the ensuing year: —
Mr. Henry Lovell Bartlett,
Mr. James Collett Higgs,
Mr. Charles Kimber,
Mr. Frederick James Rooney,
Mr. Francis Thomas Talbot, and
Mr. Henry Vezey.
Returning Officer's Expenses.
Resolved—That an Order be and is hereby made upon the Overseers of the Poor for paymerit
of the Returning Officer's expenses, amounting to £131 1s., out of the Poor Rate, in
accordance with the General Order of the Local Government Board, and that the Common
Seal of the Vestry be affixed to such Order.
Valuer and Assistant Valuers.
Resolved—That Mr. F. T. Talbot be and he is hereby appointed Valuer, to ascertain and
estimate the annual vahie of all or any lands, houses, tenements, tithes, hereditaments, and
other ratable property in this Parish for the ensuing year.
Resolved—That Messrs. George Mabbs and Robert Wallace Moss be and they are hereby
appointed Assistant Valuers for the ensuing two years, to serve for one year conjointly with
Messrs. John D. Hawkins and John H. Bulmer.
Resolved—That the sum of c£60 be granted by the Vestry for the expenses of the Valuation
Committee for the ensuing year.