London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Rotherhithe 1896

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Rotherhithe]

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Animals kept as to be a nuisance 21
Drinking water cistern directly connected to w.c. 98
No receptacles for offal 2
Houses registered under By-laws for houses let in lodgings nil
Bodies removed to mortuary 6
Dust complaints 4
Bakehouses and cowhouses 37
*This statement covers the whole of th ? Parish for the first six mouths.
Mill Pond.
On several occasions I have found the Mill Pond in an unsatisfactory condition, having
an accumulation of offensive matter upon the surface of the water. The owners have,
when requested, had the pond thoroughly clearned.
Visitation of Schools.
{Re Water Supply). The undermentioned schools were visited by order of your
Sanitary Committee with respect to the water supplied for drinking purposes :—
Albion Street Board School Green School, Clarence Street
St. Mary's National St. Paul's Schools, St. Paul's Lane
Christ Church Schools in Paradise Street Catholic School, Paradise Street
and Prospect Street
In only one instance it was found that the water was drawn from a cistern which
flushed the w.c.