London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Rotherhithe 1894

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Rotherhithe]

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National Schools, Lower Road.
Complaint having been received with reference to the above schools, on inspection
certain sanitary defects were found to exist, and the following suggestions to remedy the
same were carried out, viz :—
(1) The trough Closets to be more frequently flushed.
(2) The Urinals to be supplied with water.
(3) New pan to the Master's W.C.
(4) The water for drinking purposes drawn direct from the main.
Swan Lane Buildings.
On inspection the above buildings were found to be in a very dirty condition, water
closets and pans dirty and in several cases the rooms were overcrowded ; upon service of
Notices the nuisance was abated.
A sphyxia tor.
An Asphyxiator has been provided for testing drains with smoke, at a cost of £7 10s.
Keeping Swine in unfit Places.
Complaints having been received of keeping Swine at the following premises:—
Stables, Seven Step Alley; Stables, Eotherhithe New Eoad; and Stables, St. Helena Eoad,
contrary to the provisions of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, notices were served
upon the occupiers of the respective premises, and in each case the nuisance was abated
Infectious Disease•
Two cases of wilful exposure while suffering from an infectious disease occurred during
the year, contrary to the provisions of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891. In each case
the Clerk was instructed to write to the offenders, cautioning them against committing such
offence in future.