London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington]

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number collected in one week being 977, and the
minimum 189, giving a daily average of 71.37 loads.
The whole of this work has been executed by
5,040 horses and carts, giving a daily average of
16.36 horses, or at the rate of 4.36 loads per horse
per day.
By the canal 20,554½ tons of slop and sweepings
have been sent away in 595 boats, and 1,431 loads
have been deposited at open shoots.
Watering.—During the season the water vans
were out 142 days, 3,775 horses being employed,
giving an average of 26.58 horses and vans per day.
Carting Eoadway Materials.—Including wood
paving works, 3,914 horses and carts have been
engaged 310 days, giving an average of 12.62 per
Horses.—The present number of horses is 69, they
are all in excellent health and condition, with the
exception of one which is now recovering from
strangles. During the twelve months the losses by
deaths have only been two, viz.:—
On May 17th, 1881, a bay mare, No. 14, was
killed, being incurably affected with Tetanus.