London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington]

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All that portion of the said Parish which lies North
of Ward No. 1 and a line drawn from the boundary
of such Ward Southward along the centre of
Westbourne Terrace to a point directly opposite
the West end of the centre of Craven Road, and
thence along the centre of Craven Road and
Praed Street, and 1 hence in a direct line to the
boundary of the said Parish.
All that portion of the said Parish which lies South
of Ward No. 1 and a line drawn from the boundary
of such Ward Southward along the centre of
Westbcurne Terrace, Sussex Gardens, and Westbourne
Street, and thence in a direct line to the
boundary of the said Parish.
All that portion of the said Parish which is not comprised
within the foregoing descriptions of the
other Wards.
Under the Reform Bill of 1832, Paddington was united with
the adjoining Parishes of St. Marylebone and St. Pancras, such
incorporation being called the Borough of Marylebone, and returning
Two Members to Parliament.
In the year 1870, upon the passing of the Elementary Education
Act, the Parish, together with St. Marylebone, St. Pancras,
and St. John, Hampstead, were united into a District called the
District of Marylebone, for the purposes of the School Board for
London, such District returning Seven Members to the Board.
There are at present in the Parish 15 Ecclesiastical Districts,
St. James', St. Saviour's,
„ John's, „ Michael and All Angels,
„ Mary's, Christ Church,
Holy Trinity, St. Mary Magdalene,
St. Paul's, „ Peter's,
All Saints', „ Stephen's,
St. Matthew's, „ Augustine's.
„ Luke's,