London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1871

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington]

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What is a high density of Population ?
The density of population in many parts of the
Parish has been referred to, and tables in the
Appendix show a fact worthy of note, that a
density of 130 to the square acre is perfectly compatible
with the highest forms of social and domestic
life amongst the healthiest and most civilized
portion of a town population ; and yet we find
Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow, reported to
be the most unhealthy towns of the kingdom, have
less than 100 persons to the acre.
In setting out streets in which are situated, the
largest and most luxurious mansions of this Parish,
the superficial area allotted by builders is 15.3
houses to the acre, allowing space for gardens,
squares, and streets, while the number of persons
living on the square acre is 130 ; each house has
nearly 9 persons on the average.
Ages and Occupations of heads of families living in
houses let out in tenements.
Out of the 500 persons of the wage-earning
class engaged in industrial occupations, living in
Woodchester-street, Cirencester-street, Clarendonstreet,
Brindley-street, Waverley-road, &c- streets
adjacent to the Great Western Terminus, 64 per
cent. were born in country places. Only 4 per
cent. appear to be above 60 years.
Of 83 heads of families engaged on the railway
works, 68, or 87 per cent. are in the prime of life,
between the ages of 20 and 40, and about the same
per centage are born in the country.
Of policemen, postmen and Railway officials,
nearly all are drawn from the country, and 16 out
of 17 are at the most vigorous age of life.