London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1859

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington]

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In addition to the foregoing details, I beg to
state that 142 complaints on subjects connected
with the Sewers Department, have been received.
They had reference to stoppages in Sewers,
Gullies, Drains, &c.
With respect to stoppages in Drains leading
into Brick Sewers, they have either been removed
from the inside of the Sewer, or the complainant
has been informed of the exact spot where the
stoppage has occurred; and thus expense and
annoyance in stripping the Drain has been
obviated. This information is furnished free of
expense to every Rate-Payer.
It has been my uniform practice to give immediate
attention to such matters; and I have
succeeded, either in removing the cause of
complaint, or have been enabled to suggest a
remedy for the evils brought under my consideration.
I believe that all the information which is in
my power to furnish, has now been condensed into
this Report, which I venture most respectfully to
submit to your indulgent attention.
I am,
Your obedient Servant,
The Vestry of
the Parish of Paddington.