Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Limehouse]
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Regulations as to Bakehouses (Continued).
(a) Unless it is effectually separated from the Bakehouse by a
partition extending from the floor to the ceiling.
(b) Unless there be an external glazed window of at least nine
superficial feet of area, of which at the least superficial
feet arc made to open for ventilation.
6. No water-closet, earth-closet, privy, or ash-pit shall be within or communicate
directly with the Bakehouse.
6. Any cistern for supplying water to the Bakehouse shall be separate
and distinct from any cistern for supplying water to a water-closet.
7. No drain or pipe for carrying off fæcal or sewage matter shall have an
opening within the Bakehouse, and everv sink-waste, or other pipe
used for carrying off surface water within the Bakehouse, shall be
efficiently trapped and disconnected from any drain.
8. Every Bakehouse shall be efficiently lighted, shall be ventilated so as to
render harmless all gases and dust, and shall not be overcrowded
while work is carried on therein.
9. Every Bakehouse shall be used for the purposes of the trade only.
10. No animal shall be kept in the Bakehouse on any pretence whatever.
11. No person Buffering, or who has recently suffered, from any infectious
disease shall be permitted to enter the Bakehouse, or take part in
the manufacture or sale on the premises, of bread, biscuits or
12. The owner or occupier of a Bakehouse shall give immediate notice to
the Medical Officer of Health of any case of infectious disease
occurring on the same premises as the Bakehouse.
Every Bakehouse in which there is a contravention of Sections 3, 33 and 34
of the Factory and Workshop Act. 1878, which provide for the sanitary
condition and cleansing of the Bakehouse, shall be deemed not to be kept
in conformity with the Act, and the occupier thereof is liable for default
to a fine not exceeding Ten Pounds.
The use of a Bakehouse for sleeping purposes, or of a room on the same
level as the Bakehouse, insufficiently separated from it and insufficiently
ventilated and lighted, is punishable under the 35th Section of the same Act
by a tine not exceeding Twenty Shillings for the first offence, and of a sum
not exceeding Five Pounds for every subsequent offence.
An infringement of the loth Section of the Factory and Workshop Act,
1883, which prohibits—
A direct communication between a water-closet, earth-closet, privy,
or ash-pit, with the Bakehouse;
The supply of water to a Bakehouse from a cistern also supplying
a water-closet;