London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1885

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham]

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Orders for re-numbering the houses in Tranquil Vale,
Montpelier Vale, and Black heath Vale, and
naming those roads respectively—
An order for re-numbering the houses in Clarendon
Road, Lewisham, and naming that road,
"Clarendon Road, S.E."
The Sanitary condition of the district continues highly
satisfactory. It will be seen from the Report of the Medical
Officer for the year appended hereto that the annual rate of
mortality in the District was 13.75 per 1000, whilst the
annual rate of the whole of London for the like period
amounted to 19.0 per 1000, and of Districts outside London
The number of inhabited houses and the population of
the district also continue to increase, as shewn by the Table
in the Medical Officer's Report The number in each case,
at Midsummer, 1885, being—
Inhabited houses 13,090
Estimated population 82,000
The Return (Table VI.), shows the number of complaints
brought under the notice of the Committees, and
the proceedings taken thereon. The Slaughter-houses, Cowhouses,
and Fishmongers' premises, have been periodically
inspected by the Board's Sanitary Officers.
Under this head the Board wish again to mention a
sanitary matter to which considerable time and attention is
devoted by the Board's Committees and their Officers, as
being a matter of great importance to the health of a
growing community, viz, the collection and removal of
Dust, &c.
The cost of this work exceeds £2200 per annum, and
as the price obtained by the Board for the refuse is declining
this cost must grow, but every effort is made, without unduly
increasing the expenditure, to keep the district as clear from
dust as possible.