London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1868

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth]

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annual report
FOR THE YEAR 1868-69,
In again presenting an Annual Report on the health
and mortality of Lambeth, which constitutes one eighteenth
part of the area and population of the entire Metropolis, it is
satisfactory to know that notwithstanding the overcrowded
state of many of the dwellings of the working classes, and the
extraordinary heat and drought of the summer, the Parish of
Lambeth has not been unhealthy.
During the year 1868, the births were more numerous than
in any previous year, amounting to 7871; exceeding those of
1867, by 484; those of 1866 by 788; and those of 1865 by
The births in the first quarter of the year were 2016; in the
second quarter 2028; in the third quarter 1835; and in the
fourth quarter 1992.
The deaths recorded in 1868 were 4145; the excess of births
over deaths for the year being 3426; in 1867 the births exceeded
the deaths by 3334; in 1866 by 2914; and in 1865 by 2743.
In the first quarter of 1868, the deaths were 1066; in the
second quarter 1074; in the third quarter 1162; and in the
fourth quarter 1143.
The births and deaths during each quarter of the year in each
of the eight Ecclesiastical Divisions of the Parish, are shown in
Table II, from which it will also be seen that in the Waterloo
Road, 1st part district, there were 602 births, and 351 deaths
during the year; in the Waterloo Road, 2nd part district, 979
births, and 406 deaths; in the Lambeth Church, 1st part district,
801 births, and 419 deaths; in the Lambeth Church,