London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1867

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth]

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The Repairs and General Works during the past year
include the repair and maintenanee of Sewers, Drains and Gullies,
and comprise items of the ordinary character.
Flushing and Cleansing have been carried out as before, and
the Sewers under the charge of the Vestry are in as clear condition
as existing circumstances will permit. The progress of the Main
Drainage Works causes temporary difficulty and inconvenience,
but their completion will, it is hoped, afford improved outfalls,
and enable the sewers to be kept free from deposit. Complaints
of stoppage, flooding, and other defects, have been promptly
examined and remedied as far as possible, where the duty of doing
so has been with the Vestry.
The House Drainage has been constructed where new Sewers
have been made, generally without notice being served upon the
owners, applications have been made for the drainage of 1385
houses, upon which above £2,600 has been paid into the Office.
The estimated cost of private work done by applicants is £9,600,
which has been executed under the inspection and general supervison
of the Officers of the Vestry.
New Buildings. The Vestry have received notice for building
876 new houses, the drainage of which, and the level of the lowest
floors in relation to the Sewers, have been considered and approved
as directed by the Act.
108 Applications made to the Metropolitan Board of Works for
leave to bring out and alter frontages, have been referred to the
Vestry and reported upon by them.
The approval of the Metropolitan Board of Works has been
given for the formation of 21 New Streets.