London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1891

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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28 OCTOBER, 1891.
premises No. 161 Heath Street into the sewer, and that he had
given such directions with respect to the same as appear by
his Books and the plan submitted.
Your Committee approved of his proceedings and beg to
submit same for confirmation by your Board.
(2) That your Medical Officer of Health, brought up and read
a Report for which your Committee beg to refer your Board
to his Report Book.
That your Medical Officer reported as follows:
"During the fortnight ending October 10th the number
"of Births was 169: the number of Deaths from all
"causes was 69; 39 occurring in the Eastern district, 20
"in the Western district, and 10 in the outlying Institutions
belonging to this Hamlet, giving a death-rate
"equal to 16.5 per 1,000 per annum: that of the
" Metropolis being 16.4 for the same period."
and your Committee resolved to recommend—That the same
be received.
(3) That your Inspectors of Nuisances brought up and read
Reports for which your Committee beg to refer your Board
to their Report Books.
That having regard to such Reports your Committee
resolved to recommend—That notices be served upon the
owners of the following houses and premises, requiring them
to perform the following works, viz.:
(a) No. 77, Nelson Street—
To cleanse the drain thereat.
(,b) No. 43, Gold Street—
To amend the drain thereat.
(c) Nos. Ia, 2, 8, Richardson Street; 67 to 69, Nelson
Street; 13, 86, 88, Greenfield Street; 17, 21, Leslie
Street; and 217, Jubilee Street—
To trap the drains and sinks thereat.
(d) Nos. 34 to 36, 38, 42 to 45, 45a, 46 to 53, 55 to 67,
69, 70, Longfellow Road; 160 to 206, Bow Common
Lane; and 19, Leslie Street—
To disconnect the waste-pipes of sinks from direct communication
with the drains thereat.
(e) No. 7, Coke Street—
To provide water-supply to the closet thereat.
(/) Nos. 23, 29, John's Place; 59, 103, Nelson Street;
13, 86 and 87, Greenfield Street—
To repair the flushing apparatus to the closets thereat.
(g) Nos. 37 to 41, 45, 45a, 46, 47, 49 to 52, 54 to 64, 66,
68, 69, 71 to 73, Longfellow Road; 128, 140 to 150,