London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Mile End 1891

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hamlet of Mile End Old Town]

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23 SEPTEMBER, 1891. 127
That your Committee resolved to recommend—That a
cheque for 1,919 be drawn in favour of the London County
Council for instalments off following loans, due 1st prox. viz.:
Off £4,000 loan £285
„ 25,000 „ 1,250
„ 1,000 „ 50
„ 5,000 „ 334
That your Committee resolved to recommend—That a
cheque for £350 be drawn in favour of your Surveyor for
labour account.
That your Committee resolved to recommend—That a
cheque for £100 be drawn in favour of your Clerk, on account
of Petty Cash.
That your Committee resolved to recommend—That the
following cheques for salaries, &c., be drawn viz.:
Jutsum, M. (Clerk) One quarter's salary to 29th inst. 112 10 0
Hall, E. (Asst. Clerk) Ditto 62 10 0
Greeves,A. (Sd.Asst.Clerk) Ditto 37 10 0
Knight, J. M. (Surveyor) Ditto 142 10 0
Taylor, Dr. T. Ditto 75 0 0
(Medical Officer)
Corner, Dr. M. One quarter's superannuation allowance to
29th inst. as—
Medical Officer of Health 15 15 0
Analyst 3 0 0
18 15 0
Leshaw,H.(Snty.Insptr.) One quarter's salary to 29th inst. 56 5 0
Cox. C. (Ditto) Ditto 43 15 0
Baxter,A.(Supt. of Labor) One month's salary to 25th inst. 18 15 0
Tyrrell, Mrs. J. S. Stables, &c. Canal Road, one qr. to 29th inst. 45 0 0
Rollinsou, Mrs. M. A. Riga Wharf, ditto 31 0 0
Gt. Eastern Railway Co. Arch, Devonshire Street, ditto 2 10 0
Siding, ditto, ditto 15 0
3 l5 0
Carpenters' Company Shoot at Stratford, ditto 16 10 0
Gardner, T. Mile End Dust Wharf, ditto 32 10 0
Strip of land at ditto, ditto 2 10 0
Further strip of land at ditto, ditto 3 15 0
38 15 0