London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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The following works were carried out and repairs effected as a result of the action of the Sanitary Inspectors:—

Drains tested1,758
Drains relaid155
Drains repaired537
Soil pipes renewed200
Soil pipes repaired90
Eaves and downspouting repaired373
Sinks renewed or repaired209
W.C.s and flushing apparatus repaired671
Cisterns cleansed and repaired219
Water supply provided from main71
Yards and forecourts paved331
Roofs, chimneys and walls repaired1,035
Dustbins provided303
Dampness of walls remedied892
Internal house repairs done2,486
Rooms cleansed3,659
Overcrowding abated24
Other nuisances abated1,039

* This number includes houses reported as insanitary by
Tuberculosis Nurses, Health Visitors, etc.

The following additional matters were dealt with by the Sanitary Inspectors:—

Ice-Cream premises:— Number of inspections259
Other food premises:— Number of inspections741
Smoke nuisances:— Complaints9
Notices served5
Number abated5

Apart from these duties, there are others such as
the inspection of markets and food barrows and the
supervision of slaughtering and slaughterhouses.
Drainage of Buildings.—The following drainage
plans were submitted to and approved by the Public
Health Committee during 1929:—