London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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Bacteriological Examinations.
Of the 3,574 specimens sent by doctors during the
year, 3,157 were examined at the Council's Laboratory,
114, New King's Road. The remaining 417 specimens
were examined by the Clinical Research Association
during week-ends, holidays and emergencies.

Bacteriological examinations were made during the year as follows:—

Material from cases of suspected Diphtheria:—
Diphtheria isolated189
Negative result1,4661,655
Blood from cases of suspected Enteric Fever:—
Agglutination reaction for Typhoid or Para-Typhoid obtained5
Negative result2025
Pathological specimens for Enteric Organisms:—
Positive result-
Negative result2727
Sputa from cases of suspected Tuberculosis:—
Tubercle bacilli found261
Tubercle bacilli not found1,4071,668
Blood from cases of suspected Puerperal Fever:—
Positive result9
Negative result2534
Swabs from cases of suspected Gonorrhoea:—
Gonococcus found5
Gonococcus not found7984
Examinations of Urine51
Blood counts5
Other examinations1773
Special examinations of:—
Total number of examinations3,574