London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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No. of Sputa examined 1,687
No. of Physical examinations 3,979
No. of Contacts examined 427
No. of Home visits paid by Doctors 491
Consultations 80
Total 571
No. of Home visits paid by nurses 4,989
No. of Reports sent to Public Bodies 520
No. of Reports sent to Doctors 610
No. of Letter, written 5,846
No. of Patients referred to Brompton 8
For X-Ray 70
No. of Notified patients on Dispensary books on
31/12/1928 846
No. of Patients sent to institutions or to the
country in 1928 203

Table VII.

203 Patients were sent to residential institutions on the recommendation of the Dispensary Medical Officers.

65 to Sanatoria.4 to Convalescent70 to Hospitals
Homes.or Homes.
(b.)39 by the Poor Law Authorities :—
19 to Fulham Hospital.20 to Sanatoria or Convalescent Homes.

(c.) 16 Children were sent to Convalescent Homes by the
Invalid Children's Aid Association.
(d.) 1 Child was boarded out under the L.C.C.'s Contact
(c.) 2 Women were sent to Convalescent Homes by the
Charity Organisation Society.
(f.) 6 by the United Services Fund:—
3 Men convalesced.
3 Children boarded out.