London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1891

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham]

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No. 10. This stone is situate on the Embankment, and bears the
inscription "1876, 23 feet 6 inches, north," at the back. I
was found that a stone bearing the letters "H. P." had been
cemented to this stone, although a duplicate stone was dis
covered between the lines, indicating the boundary, whicl
was found, upon measurement, had been moved about 6 fee
towards Hammersmith Parish. It was resolved that the
stone fixed to the first mentioned be removed, but the latte
be not interfered with.
No. 9. This stone was found on the embankment of the Distric
Railway, is on the boundary line, and in good condition
dated 1873.
No. 8a. This stone was found on the embankment before mentioned a
a point where the boundary line diverts from the railway.
No. 8. This stone could not be found.
No. 7. This stone could not be found.
No. 6. This stone was found to be fitted in the wall of the house known
formerly as Halstead Villa, dated 1873, and marked "10 fee
4 inches, south."
It was resolved that three or four stones be fitted from the lint
of railway to the the Fulham Palace Road.
No. 5. This stone was not found and was probably removed when the
estate was thrown open for building. It was resolved tha
the kerb on the south side of the Yeldham Road be markec
with the measurement.
No. 4. This boundary mark has now been substituted by a line cut in
the pavement outside No. 76 Fulham Palace Road, and was
considered sufficient.
No. 3. This stone was found in the Distillery grounds, fixed in the walk
on the north side of the works, marked " 2 feet 6 ins.''
No. 3a, It was resolved that a stone be fixed in the north east corne
of the Distillery premises, as the distance between the Fulhan
Palace Road and No. 3 stone was considerable.
No. 2. This stone is fixed in the wall abutting on the River, and re.
quired recutting.
No. 1. This stone is understood to define the boundary on the centre
of Putney Bridge, which it was considered unnecessary to visit
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Ar. Robinson, Vestry Clerk.
Chemical Laboratory,
43 and 44, Holborn Viaduct, E.G.,
. London, June 10th, 1892.
To the Chairman and Members of the Fulham Vestry.
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,
I have the honour to report that, during the period between the date o
my original appointment as Analyst to the Vestry (September 17th, 1890
and March 31st, 1891, seventy samples were submitted to analysis unde
e bale of Food and Drugs' and Margarine Acts. Of these samples
twenty-four were handed to me by Mr. Inspector A. A. Croucher, fourteen
by Mr. Inspector W. H. Grigg, and thirty-two by Mr. Inspector C. B. Jones
In addition, I submitted to analysis four "special" samples, comprising a