London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1888

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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General Works. The Repairs of the paved footways
and crossings throughout the Parish, including those
tated by the Company's openings for laying Gas and Water
Mains, Services, and House supplies have been executed by
the Staff in the Vestry employ, the material being purchased
by contract. The Repairs to these trenches are charged to
the respective Companies.
The approximate quantity of New Material used during
the year was as follows:—
York Paving 13,802 feet sup.
Kerb 933 „ run.
Granite Pitching 635 yds. sup.
The Tar-paved footpaths continue to be repaired by the
Vestry workmen, including also the repairs of trenches
opened by Gas and Water Companies, builders and others.
The quantity of such work during the past year has been
as under:—
General Repairs to Tar-paved
Footpaths, viz: bottoming
and topping (including
trenches) 17,560 yds. sup.
Ditto, topping only 1,529 „
Ditto, painting and shelling 61,757 „