London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Giles (Camberwell) 1876

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell]

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In respect of the Accounts for the Year ending March 25. 1877.
Upon the completion of our examination of the
Rate Books, the Books of the Burial Board, and the
Vestry Accounts for the year ending 25th March,
1877, we have much pleasure in testifying to the
neatness and accuracy with which they have severally
been kept, and also to acknowledge the attention we
have received from Mr. Berry, the Accountant, and
Mr. Blanch, the Assistant Overseer, during the audit.
The preliminary examination of the Accounts in
the early part of the year continues to work well, and
our Report would have been presented at an earlier
period but for the unavoidable absence from town of
some of the Auditors.
The Arrears upon balancing the books, are
£225 1s. 1d., against £357 14s. 0¼d. at the corresponding
period of last year.
We would suggest that an improvement might